Monday, August 19, 2013


School has been in full swing for the last two and a half weeks and I've been crazy busy. We have made so much bread in the last two weeks that I may permanently be off bread for a good few months when we're done.
Some of the breads that I've made:
Soft Rolls
Hard Rolls
Rosemary Semolina
Amish Pretzels
and plenty others that I cannot think of off the top of my head!

Olive Foccacia on the left and right sides. Challah in the middle (circle) and two braided in the background. Amish Pretzel is the little guy in the front

Same as above but a better view of the pretzel. He wasn't exactly pretzel looking.....!
Rosemary Semolina (made with Durum flour which is typically used to make pasta, very dense bread) bread in all different shapes! 

It's been an amazing experience so far and I can't wait to keep learning and hopefully be able to capture more pictures! :)
